“Giving Authors Roots So Their Books Can Grow”



Over the years, I have seen too many authors get scammed by dishonest editors, swarmy publishers, and untalented graphic artists. I created Indie Author Promotions as a safe and reliable place for indie authors to get the exposure they need by someone they can trust. You are welcome here! ♥

Indie Authors

  • Are you lost when it comes to promoting?
  • Does your book need more online exposure?
  • Do you need help with your online presence on sites like Facebook & Twitter?

Hire a Publishing Consultant and let me make it EASY for you and give you the FREEDOM to pursue your dreams!

Social Media is here to stay so embrace and harness its power!


Popular sites like Facebook and Twitter offer you amazing opportunities to connect with potential fans, readers, customers, and current clients in ways never before possible.

However, to be successful, it is essential to engage your audience in real time over multiple networks and deliver a tangible return on your investment.

Many people know the importance of social networking but are too busy to spend the time necessary to make it happen.

That’s where I can help!

I offer affordable pre-packaged social media services designed to engage your audience and each package can be further customized to meet your specific needs

Each package also offers Ala Carte items that can be added on.

I am also a Certified Proofreader and offer Proofreading & light Copy Editing Services!

Contact: IndieAuthorPromotions@peoplepc.com

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